What Happened To The Contents Of The Two Test Tubes?

What happened to the contents of the two test tubes?


The contents of tube A stay red/ yellow in the presence of iodine. This shows there is no starch present while the contents of tube B turned blue-black. This shows that tube B still contains starch.


These are the following information and instructions:

  • Dissolve some starch in water to form a starch solution.
  • Add equal amounts of starch solution to each of two test tubes.
  • Add saliva to one of the tubes called tube A. to shake the test tube to mix the contents. Do not add saliva to tube B, this tube acts as a control.
  • Leave both test tubes for 10 minutes in a water bath at 37°C.
  • Add a few drops of the solution from each tube to a few drops of iodine solution on a dropping tile.

For more information on related topics, please open these three following links given below:

What will happened to the balloon when it is in test tube that is heated.

What happened when you placed a lighted match near the mouth of the test tube?

What is a Test Tube Holder all about?



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