What Marks Off Politics From Any Other Form Of Social Behavior?

What marks off politics from any other form of social behavior?

Let us first know what Social behavior means. Social Behavior is a set of actions performed by individuals of the same species that creates social interaction which can be both verbal and nonverbal. For example, an expressive hairstyle, simple shaking of hands, snubbing or "putting down" another person, or simply doing (or not doing) conversation by which people may convey messages to each other. Any social behavior may be judged as communicative if it has the intent to convey a message. But how is it related to politics? To answer this, behavior can be political whenever someone try to influence or escape the influence of others. The following are some of its marks-off.

  • Being Aggressive

The behavior that marks off politics is being aggressive, in which the term aggression is defined as an unplanned act of anger in which the aggressor intends to hurt someone or something. The great Aristotle once said, 'man is a political animal'. Do these views affect governance? Aggressive communicators create a win-lose situation and use intimidation to get their own needs met, often at the expense of others. Observing the politics of Aristotle being the man is naturally a political animal, is supported by the fact that just like animals, humans are able to come together and form a political body. In respect, animals are able to live together and should praise the leader they have.  

  • Great manipulator

Most politician are known to have that messiah complex state of mind in which they believe that they are destined to become a savior to the nation. They usually make unrealistic promises that they inevitably cannot keep. This is why typical politicians make the most gains but the least cost to themselves.

  • Being Assertive

Assertiveness is described as the ability to appropriately express one's own wants and feelings. It's no new that the world of politics is dirty. While politics is meant to project the people's interests as a priority, some people think it brings images of manipulation and lies as a means to promote their own self-interest. Behind such projection is always a hidden agenda of themselves to gain publicity and adoration.  

Thus, Aristotle might be true arguing that man is an animal. It is highly logical that today we have a more highly-developed political animal who are perceived as power-seeking hypocrites at the same time, looked up as a divine messiah.  


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